Morehouse Magnet School

Preparing Today's Students for Tomorrow's Opportunities

Mission: "To nurture, inspire, and challenge students to become confident, creative, and successful leaders"
Motto: "Knowledge Conquers All"
Vision: "To prepare today's students for tomorrow's opportunities."

A hand is holding a light bulb , gears , and a dollar sign.

Quick Links

A black and white drawing of a clock on a white background.

School Hours


6:55 - 7:15AM Morning car rider drop off time. 

**Car Rider doors close at 7:15**

Parents must bring students in through the front door after 7:15 am.

1:00 PM Dismissal bell (Tuesdays Only)

2:46 PM Dismissal bell

A black and white drawing of a megaphone on a white background.


T-Shirts Are Available!

T-shirts are currently available. They can be worn with uniform khakis or with blue jeans on Jean Day Friday. 

The seal of the u.s. department of education national blue ribbon schools

We are proud to be a nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School!

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